banjaxed - broken down
chiseller - a young child
couldn’t be arsed - couldn’t be bothered
fair play to you/good on you - well done
header - mentally unstable person
I will in me bollix - I won’t
jax - toilet
make a bags of something - mess it up
me belly tinks me trote’s been cut - I’m rather hungry
rag order - bad condition
ride - have sex with (remember to ask people for a LIFT to the pub...not a ride!)
scarlet - blushing
shite - rubbish
shorts/wee one - spirits/hard liquor
slagging/taking the piss - teasing
trow a wobbler - have a temper tantrum
work away - go ahead, after you
yer man - that guy
yer one - that girl
yer wha’? - excuse me?!?
yoke - inserted to describe a noun when the actual word has slipped the speaker’s mind
Feck!/Feck off! - An acceptable way to drop the F-bomb
Jaysus! - This one is self explanatory
He’s a chancer - risk taker
Eejit - Idiot...only it’s way more fun to say it the Irish way
jar (Do you fancy going for a jar?) - drink
culchies/boggers - country folk
jackeens - Dubliners
gobshite (I’ve never met a bigger gobshite in my life) - bullshitter
slagging - making fun
I made a holy show of meself last night. - made an ass
It’s jammers - full/packed
That’s gas - fun/funny
Was the film any use? - any good
cuppa - cup of tea
pissed/bollixed - drunk
grand - lovely/great/etc
Yank - American
craic (crack) - fun
craic agus ceol (crack ahgus keeole) - fun and music
slainte (slawncha) - cheers/your health
cead mile failte (kade meela fallcha) - one hundred thousand welcomes
pog ma thoin (pogue ma hone) - kiss my arse
go raibh maith agat (gur rev moh agut) - thanks
In conclusion, don’t make make fun of me when I adopt these terms into my vocabulary. It’s much too hard to use the American versions and then have to explain myself to people.
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