23 April 2008
My New Address!
185 Lansdowne Gate, Lansdowne Valley
Drimnagh, Dublin 12
19 April 2008
Birthday ideas
18 April 2008
Good News!
We got the apartment!!!! We move in May 1st; what a wonderful birthday present for me. Here’s the website:
Hopefully I’ll sort of figure out what my schedule is going to be in the next couple of weeks so that you all can start planning your vacations.
I added a list of my favorite things I've experienced here at the bottom of the page. I'll add to it as I go along. Make sure and check it out every now and again.
Work is still pretty uneventful, still just classroom stuff. We don’t get onto the units until next Thursday. Everybody I meet tells me how lovely St. Anne’s is (the burn unit) so I’m really looking forward to it. Today one of our speakers was one of the chaplains and she’s from Chicago. She says there are three other Americans in the hospital, one social worker and two girls on the PICU. I’m not alone! I’ll be interested to meet them and get their take on things.
Bridget and I have been very good about leaving the hospital pretty much daily...mostly for our sanity. I think I’m really going to like it here, there is lots to see and do. I’m in the process of making a list of things I want to do...I can’t wait to be able to cross things off. This Sunday we’re going to go to Malahide Castle to check that out. I’m going to keep a list of my most favorite things here.
Sarah Had A Little Lamb
A Lesson In Irish
banjaxed - broken down
chiseller - a young child
couldn’t be arsed - couldn’t be bothered
fair play to you/good on you - well done
header - mentally unstable person
I will in me bollix - I won’t
jax - toilet
make a bags of something - mess it up
me belly tinks me trote’s been cut - I’m rather hungry
rag order - bad condition
ride - have sex with (remember to ask people for a LIFT to the pub...not a ride!)
scarlet - blushing
shite - rubbish
shorts/wee one - spirits/hard liquor
slagging/taking the piss - teasing
trow a wobbler - have a temper tantrum
work away - go ahead, after you
yer man - that guy
yer one - that girl
yer wha’? - excuse me?!?
yoke - inserted to describe a noun when the actual word has slipped the speaker’s mind
Feck!/Feck off! - An acceptable way to drop the F-bomb
Jaysus! - This one is self explanatory
He’s a chancer - risk taker
Eejit - Idiot...only it’s way more fun to say it the Irish way
jar (Do you fancy going for a jar?) - drink
culchies/boggers - country folk
jackeens - Dubliners
gobshite (I’ve never met a bigger gobshite in my life) - bullshitter
slagging - making fun
I made a holy show of meself last night. - made an ass
It’s jammers - full/packed
That’s gas - fun/funny
Was the film any use? - any good
cuppa - cup of tea
pissed/bollixed - drunk
grand - lovely/great/etc
Yank - American
craic (crack) - fun
craic agus ceol (crack ahgus keeole) - fun and music
slainte (slawncha) - cheers/your health
cead mile failte (kade meela fallcha) - one hundred thousand welcomes
pog ma thoin (pogue ma hone) - kiss my arse
go raibh maith agat (gur rev moh agut) - thanks
In conclusion, don’t make make fun of me when I adopt these terms into my vocabulary. It’s much too hard to use the American versions and then have to explain myself to people.
07 April 2008
First day of "work"
05 April 2008
I met with my recruiter and she was very nice. It sounds like there are three other girls starting from the same agency, two from India and one from Australia, and some other people from other agencies also.
I also met with the HR lady from the hospital to get some paperwork and my key. She was also very nice. They are being very accommodating and helpful. Right now I think it's good to feel like someone is holding my hand. They are taking us by taxi to get our PPS numbers (like a SS#) and to set up our bank accounts. We also have a tour of Dublin built in to our orientation. Sounds like this first week will be pretty low key. We have culture/language class from 0930-1230 everyday. The HR lady said I could probably hit the first one and then skip the rest of the week (ahhh, the Irish) seeing as English is my first and really only language. It's more designed for nurses from the Philippines and India. Then there are various other things scheduled in the afternoon. It is what I expected though...not well structured.
I have been exploring Dublin and, thank goodness, the weather has been cooperative. I had to go purchase some white scrub tops for my orientation. Only Arnott's sells them (a very posh store) and a top runs 40-50 euros. Luckily I found a couple for half off. I refuse to pay that much for something that will likely end up with body fluids on it. Once I figure out what I will need to wear after orientation I WILL be having stuff sent here. The style they wear here is pretty ugly anyway. It was nice to walk around and not feel pressured to see everything in one weekend since I LIVE HERE! I had a cup of tea at Bewley's this afternoon and felt like I was in P.S. I Love You. Then I strolled past the spot near St. Stephen's Green where the opening scene of Once took place. My life pretty much felt like one big movie today.
My internet situation is still in limbo. Right now I'm using Sam and Chandra's computer. Eircom pretty much has a lock on the market and even at Starbuck's you have to pay to use their wireless even if you buy a ridiculously priced coffee (when you could have been enjoying a delicious Caribou drink). I talked to the IT person at the hospital and she said computers can be hooked up with their system but then the computer becomes their property...screw that! They have a library with computers but I don't know what their hours are. I'll be on the hunt for a cafe or something with some free Internet once I'm officially moved in. Hopefully someone will be able to clue me in.
I'm staying with Sam and Chandra tonight and then I'm officially moving in to the hospital tomorrow.