We (finally) had a housewarming party last weekend. It kind of served a triple purpose, Roisin’s B-day was earlier in the month and Tennille’s b-day is the end of this month. We had some people from work over, some other people from the apartment, and other friends from various places. I even convinced Cathal to come down for the weekend (Jen’s boyfriend is also from Donegal so they kept each other entertained). We had food, drinks, and cake. About 15 or so people showed up, it was good. We had lots of cleaning up to do on Sunday but it was well worth it.
When I heard that the New Kids On The Block were coming to the O2 (new arena just outside of the city center) I knew I had to go. The tickets came out right around Chandra’s b-day so I bought two and bam, there’s birthday shopping done. Luckily she loves them as much as me. The concert was actually really good. They played for about two hours (and no, they weren’t even out of breath). We had amazing seats and could see everything. The whole thing took us back to about 1990. They pretty much look the same. Jordan, my bro, was definitely named after the right New Kid, he has still got it. Chandra’s alliance changed from Joey to Donny but to each their own. Ireland was loving them, probably partially due to the Irish/American/Boston connection. When they came out in their Celtic jerseys and with an Irish flag the crowd went nuts. There were actually quite a few Polish folks representing in the crowd as well...who knew. Overall, well worth the money. I hope they’re back together for good.