25 December 2008

Christmas with Colin & The Script!

I opted to work over the Christmas holidays this year since I was so far away from home and I didn’t want to get homesick. I couldn’t have really asked for a better day. It was looking like it was going to be painfully boring (only 5 patients, 2 of whom we sent home for the day, and 2 nurses plus a student). We had one Muslim patient and one patient whose family wasn’t really interested in doing anything but sleeping so we set up a nice Christmas dinner table for the last family. The Script (Irish band) showed up to deliver gifts, visit patients, and sing a couple of songs. We, luckily, had a super cute patient that we dressed up like christmas pudding that was attracting all the fame (see above picture, unfortunately she was looking away). The Christmas dinner at work was actually pretty good. In the afternoon we got word that Colin Farrell was in the building. We stationed ourselves with Hannah (cute patient) by the front door of the ward as bait. He eventually showed up but looked exhausted. He passed out some gifts and chatted for a short while. I touched him. It was over too quick. I posted some pics (see link above). I also posted some pics from my ward night out. Also notice my hideously ugly scrub top for which I payed 40 euros.